5th Annual Ashley River Cleanup

It’s time again for our annual Ashley River Cleanup.  This is an event I started a few years ago to address a problem that we observed while fishing the upper Ashley.  Quite simply, it was full of trash.  Literally everywhere.  Something had to be done, and the Summerville Saltwater Anglers (SSWA) fishing club was a great avenue to tackle the problem.

Our annual cleanup of the historic upper Ashley river is this Saturday, March 3rd. Over the past 4 years, SSWA along with many volunteers from other fishing clubs, tackle shops, etc have helped remove an estimated 20 TONS of trash from the upper Ashley!

The Ashley is the only local river with a large population at its head-waters, and, its a very long river, so a can that enters the river way up by 17A, for example, will not make it to the harbor by the time the tide turns, so trash remains in the river for the most part. I don’t believe this trash comes from boaters and fishermen. It comes from roadside ditches, especially near our tributaries. A hard rain washes it into the creeks and into the river, where it is hard to get to.

That’s why we need YOU, our boating community to help. The best, most efficient way to collect the trash is by using a boat to get up in the marsh at high tide. A net on the end of a long pole is a great tool to gather trash.

Several boats cleaning trash out of the marsh

Saturday is a high tide. +7 ft at Matceba at 11AM. Fishing will be tough. Might as well come up and spend a few hours giving back to the waterways that we all derive so much pleasure from!

A net attached to a long pole is a great tool for collecting floating trash

I’m excited that this year we have joined forces with Dorchester county and Charleston Waterkeeper to get many (maybe as many as 100) land-based volunteers to help remove trash from the areas where the trash would eventually end up in the river.

We can use all the help we can get, whether you want to bring your boat, join the land based crew, or volunteer with logistics.

Boat volunteers, please arrive no earlier than 9:30 AM. Land based volunteers should arrive at 8:00 AM. Our cleanup is based at Jessen Landing, which is behind the SCFCU bank at the corner of Ladson and Dorchester Rd. Overflow launching will be at Dorchester Boat Club nearby. If we need you to go there we will direct you there with a map.

The SCDNR and CCA “Half Shells” are used as trash barges

Hope you can join us, the weather looks to be perfect. Sunny and Mid 60s. Should be a great event.  See you there!

More info:

Facebook Page  Ashley River Cleanup

Website  Summerville Saltwater Anglers


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